

The Portal User Logins page allows you to create additional user accounts for portal management. Initially, only the first administrator (i.e. the person whose email was used to sign up for the free plan) can modify the portal user list. That person can add new users to the portal with different roles, including the ability to also add new users if so required.

About Portal Users

Portal users (also known as Portal Admins) are users that can log in to the portal and access the areas you decide. You can define scopes to limit the resources a user can access.

For example, a manager who is not in IT could be set up to approve requests in his own sub-organization. In such a case, you can set up a scope based on users in an Organizational Unit or in groups.

Portal User Logins

Users with portal access are listed in the table; these users can log on to both the portal and the mobile phone app (see Mobile Application).

The following column check boxes are matched with their corresponding settings under the Rights heading, which is available when clicking New user or EDIT.

  • Users - Portal users admin

  • Settings - Settings

  • Inventory - Inventory

  • Approve - Approve Requests

  • Auditlog - Auditlog

  • Reports - Reports

  • Remote - Allow Remote Control

  • Scope - Indicates if a scope is applied to this user

The Preview link is visible only when a scope exists for the user and indicates the computers to which the user has access.

Click New user or EDIT to access the settings table.

Adding or Updating Portal Users

Portal menu: Logins > User Logins


Vendor Access users who are not authorized to login to the portal must have setting "Limit to access.work" in the Rights panel set to On.