The Linux Command Line Interface


This topic describes the Linux command line interface (CLI).


  1. The CLI commands are designed for the command line. If run inside a graphical interface's terminal window, certain commands will defer to the GUI version.

  2. Using the CLI requires Admin By Request for Linux version 3.1.9 or greater.


Version 3.1.9 supports the following commands:

  • abr finish

  • abr settings

  • abr start

  • abr status

  • abr version

There are also four global options:

  • abr --help

  • abr --master-config-file <arg>

  • abr --system-config-file <arg>

  • abr --log-level <arg>

Run abr --help to see a full list of commands and options.


In the same way as the graphical interface, all activity is logged, both for Run As Admin and Admin Session.

The following examples show typical activity recorded in the auditlog.